Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank You, Señor Presidente!


Red roses for tough times
good luck!
and long life...

Rosas rojas para tiempos duros
¡buena suerte!
y viva muchos años añoramos

Rosas vermelhas para tempos dificeis
boa sorte!
e que viva muitos anos...


He's alive and well
in his new castle
in the clouds
surround by red and golden pillows
and some clows

We're always hope
he don't loose contact with reality
and can see us little ones
down here on earth.

Why we need kings and queens
price and princes?
don't tell me
I don't wanna know

Mix Media by C.L.DeMedeiros

1 comment:

Aubrey Longley-Cook said...

wow, this is so great. thank you for sharing.