Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dare to Think Different Fish!

I like to propose a toast
For those
Who dare to think different
And keep changing
When is necessary
Not like flip flops
But like reasonable anti human

Butt like butt-heads
who loves lead

When I realize
I'm wrong
I like to say:"
I'm right even
when I'm wrong

( short lesson learned from my lovely mom ! )

Viva la Contradiction !!!

Hip Hip Hoorrey
Hip Hip Hoorey
Hip Hip Hoorey

There's a Elephant in the living room
Nobody wants talk about.
They ignore it
Like was nothing more
nothing less.

It's a very angry elephant
he ate the flowers,
devour my toy soldiers
drunk the Johnnie Walker
grampa's hats &

He just wanna us to watch
Adult swim 's
Venture Brothers
in Cartoon Network...

Somebody please
Help Us>

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111

The artist is irresponsible for the content of the poem
any related connection with human condition reality it's coincidental, incidental & proposed

Mix Media by C.L.DeMedeiros


ArtSparker said...

Little fish!

Verse reminds me of this traditional song;

Peeking through the knothole
On Grandpa's wooden leg
Who will wind the clock when I am gone
Run, fetch the ax,
There's a fly on Baby's head
A boy's best friend is his Mother.

Matt said...

You've been busy sir!
I love the new works!

Soon, I'll be posting some sculptures as well!

Kudos to you!