Friday, September 19, 2008

Bump Week in September

It was a very strange
and predictably bumpy week

New Yorkers can see again
A new city scape
rising in the horizon

if you didn't have
a crystal ball
or inside information
you lost money
a lot of money.

you're a tourist from Bangkok

Who invested his dough in real state
Or a complaining
Homeless in Park Slope.

Or you're a slimy snail under the rock
in Central Park.


You're fucked

Mix Media By C.L.DeMedeiros


ArtSparker said...

New Babylon

Dan Gogh said...

thanks for replying in my blog
how can you read what it says there, do you speak hebrew?

if you feel like answering me, please do it on my blog again to make sure i see your answer for a 100%

take care